Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Monthly subscription | 0 kr.1 | 0 kr. | 39 kr.1 | 79 kr.1 | 139 kr.1,2 |
Primary account | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Monthly cost for an extra account including joint accounts1,3 | 19 kr.5 | Not available | 19 kr.6 | 0 kr.7 | 0 kr.8 |
Overdraft interest9 | 20% | N/A | 20% | 20% | 20% |
1 Not available for users between 15-17 years of age.
2 There is a fee of DKK 450 if the subscription is cancelled within the first 6 months.
3 The prepaid monthly price is withdrawn from your Lunar account at the time of creation. The recurring payment will take place on the same day each month.
5 As a Light user, you can only be the owner of one joint account. The price is DKK 0. You cannot create a joint account as a Light user or give a power of attourney.
6 Price of the three first accounts. The price is DKK 9 for any extra accounts
7 Price of the first six accounts. The price is DKK 9 for any extra accounts.
8 A maximum of 20 accounts can be created in the app if more contact support is desired.
9You pay 20% per year in overdraft interest, which Lunar calculates daily from the amount you have overdrawn. This corresponds to a nominal interest rate of 20% per year and means that the interest cost will be higher the longer the overdraft lasts
To be eligible to receive interest on your deposit, you must link your NemKonto to one of your Lunar accounts.
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit interest rate up to 100.000 kr. (With NemKonto linked) | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0.25% | 0,50% | 1,00% |
Deposit interest rate from 100.000 kr. (With NemKonto linked) | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,50% | 1,00% |
Deposit interest rate up to 100.000 kr. (Without NemKonto linked) | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% |
Deposit interest rate from 100.000 kr. (Without NemKonto linked) | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% |
10 The interest is calculated annually, is variable and is attributed monthly. Lunar can change the interest rate, cf. Lunar's general terms and conditions.
To be eligible to receive interest on your deposit, you must link your NemKonto to one of your Lunar accounts.
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit interest rate up to 100.000 kr. (With NemKonto linked) | 0,50% | 0,50% | 0.75% | 1,00% | 1,50% |
Deposit interest rate from 100.000 kr. (With NemKonto linked) | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 1,00% | 1,50% |
Deposit interest rate up to 100.000 kr. (Without NemKonto linked) | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% |
Deposit interest rate from 100.000 kr. (Without NemKonto linked) | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% | 0,00% |
10 The interest is calculated annually, is variable and is attributed monthly. Lunar can change the interest rate, cf. Lunar's general terms and conditions.
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit interest rate up to 100.000 kr. | 0,50% | 0,50% | 0.75% | 1,00% | 1,50% |
Deposit interest rate from 100.000 kr. | 0% | 0% | 0% | 1,00% | 1,50% |
10 The interest is calculated annually, is variable and is attributed monthly. Lunar can change the interest rate, cf. Lunar's general terms and conditions.
Se tidligere renteopsparingssatser
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 months | 1,50 % | 1,50 % | 1,75 % | 1,75 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 6 months | 1,25 % | 1,25 % | 1,50 % | 1,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 year | 0,75 % | 0,75 % | 1,00 % | 1,00 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 0,75 % | 0,75 % | 1,00 % | 1,00 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 months | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 6 months | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 year | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % | 0,00 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
## 4. Payments and transfers, Denmark21Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Outgoing transfer15,16 | 3 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Bill payments | 3 kr. | Ikke tilgængelig | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Payment service17,18,19 | 0 kr. | Ikke tilgængelig | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Returns per payment service in case of overdraft17,20 | 250 kr. | Ikke tilgængelig | 250 kr. | 250 kr. | 250 kr. |
15 The creditor may charge a fee.
16 Apply for both standard and instant transfers
17 The creditor may charge a fee.
18 Not available to customers aged 15–17.
19 Apply for creating/changing of payment service in app
20 A maximum of DKK 500 may be withdrawn for cancellation of payment service
21 A maximum of DKK 200,000 can be transferred daily.
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited | |
Exchange fee for transfers in currency other than DKK | 0,5% | 0,5%. | 0,5% | 0,5% | 0,5% | |
Transfer fee per transfer23 | In SEK, NOK or EUR | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Transfer fee per transfer23 | In currencies other than SEK, NOK or EUR | 50 kr. | 50 kr.22 | 50 kr. | 50 kr. | 50 kr. |
Transfers | For manual processing. | 100 kr. | 100 kr.22 | 100 kr. | 100 kr. | 100 kr. |
Repair fee | Repair fee (missing or incorrect crediting account no.) | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Notification | Telephone notification for amounts less than DKK 200,000 | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Forwarding | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | |
Return. | Return of transfer | 200 kr. | 200 kr. | 200 kr. | 200 kr. | 200 kr. |
The latest time of receipt for value on the same day is 1.00 pm. If a payment from abroad is not covered, we reserve the right to reverse the transfer of the amount from the customer’s account.
22It is only possible to receive transfers and not to send them.
23The fee is deducted both when you receive money and when you transfer money
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Creation of a physical Visa debit card for primary account | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
SAS EuroBonus Lunar Card pr. month | 39 kr. | Not available | 39 kr. | 39 kr. | 0 kr. |
Creation of a physical Visa debit card for additional account24 | 99 kr. | Not available | 99 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Delivery fee for physical Visa debit card.25 | 59 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Creation of a virtual Visa debit card for an account26 | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Blocking of card | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Replacement card | 99 kr. | 99 kr. | 99 kr. | 0 kr.27 | 0 kr.28 |
Replacement card, Metal | Not available | Not available | Not available | Not available | 450 kr. |
Payment in shops in Denmark and abroad 29 | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Cash withdrawals from Danish ATMs and foreign ATMs within the EU in DKK and EUR30 | 9 kr. | 9 kr. | 9 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Cash withdrawals from foreign ATMs within the EU in currencies other than DKK and EUR 30 | 19 kr. | 19 kr. | 19 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Cash withdrawals from foreign ATMs outside the EU regardless of currency 30 | 19 kr. | 19 kr. | 19 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Currency surcharge for using cards abroad 30,31,32 | 1% | 1% | 1% | 0% | 0% |
24 A maximum of three active physical cards.
25 Applies for delivery of physical Visa Debit Card for the primary account
26 The limit for creating virtual cards is a maximum of one (1) per day and three (3) per continuous thirty (30) days. It is possible to have a maximum of one (1) active virtual card per account.
27 A maximum of three (3) physical replacement cards per year. After this, a fee of DKK 99 per replacement card will be charged
28 A maximum of five (5) physical replacement cards per year. After this, a fee of DKK 99 per replacement card will be charged. Metal cards are not included.
29 The creditor may charge a fee
30 If cash is withdrawn in DKK or a foreign currency from a foreign bank’s ATM or cash register, the bank may charge a fee for this. The fee will appear on the screen dialogue and/or on the foreign bank’s price list
31 Do also apply for online purchaces in another currency than DKK
32 Please be aware that foreign financial institutions may charge a fee when you withdraw cash, or may impose a currency exchange fee for card transactions. This is not associated with Lunar.
Exchange rates when using Visa Debit abroad: You can view the applicable exchange rates on Visa's websit. The exchange rate used is the rate on the day of the transaction, plus the currency conversion fee for using the card abroad.
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Cash per day. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. |
Cash per month | 25.000 kr. | 15.000 kr. | 25.000 kr. | 25.000 kr. | 25.000 kr. |
Product purchases per day | 70.000 kr. | 30.000 kr. | 70.000 kr. | 70.000 kr. | 70.000 kr. |
Product purchases per month | 210.000 kr. | 30.000 kr. | 210.000 kr. | 210.000 kr. | 210.000 kr. |
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Cash per day. | 5.000 kr. | 2.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. |
Cash per month | 25.000 kr. | 10.000 kr. | 25.000 kr. | 25.000 kr. | 25.000 kr. |
Product purchases per day | 70.000 kr. | 10.000 kr. | 70.000 kr. | 70.000 kr. | 70.000 kr. |
Product purchases per month | 210.000 kr. | 20.000 kr. | 210.000 kr. | 210.000 kr. | 210.000 kr. |
Type | Light | 15-17 | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Price per card top-up33 | 4 kr. | 4 kr. | 4 kr. | 4 kr. | 4 kr. |
Minimum amount per card top-up. | 100 kr. | 100 kr. | 100 kr. | 100 kr. | 100 kr. |
Maximum amount per card top-up. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. |
Maximum daily amount for top-up with card | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. | 5.000 kr. |
Maximum monthly amount for top-up with card | 50.000 kr. | 50.000 kr. | 50.000 kr. | 50.000 kr. | 50.000 kr. |
33 The first top-up is free of charge.
Bank transfers are free and unlimited
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Reminder letter for covering. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Reminder letter for overdraft | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. | 0 kr. |
Collection letter for overdraft | 100 kr. | 100 kr. | 100 kr. | 100 kr. |
Processing fee for sending supporting documents in connection with bankruptcy, etc. | 1.000 kr. | 1.000 kr. | 1.000 kr. | 1.000 kr. |
Processing fee for sending bank statements, etc., in connection with verification cases (e.g. to municipalities and Udbetaling Danmark) | 1.000 kr. | 1.000 kr. | 1.000 kr. | 1.000 kr. |
Service fee (changed Apply from 27th of Marts 2024) 34,35 | 50 kr. | 50 kr. | 50 kr. | 50 kr. |
34The fee applies if Lunar, on behalf of the customer, provides a service that could have been performed by the customer themselves in the app. For example, sending account statements, making transfers under DKK 100,000, or paying a bill under DKK 100,000
35 The fee applies if you do not wish to use MitID. The fee does not apply if you do not have access to the app or have technical issues.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Commission, per transaction36 | 19 kr. | 19 kr. | 19 kr. | 19 kr. |
Currency exchange fee, per transaction36 | 0,5% | 0,5% | 0,5% | 0,5% |
36 Not available to customers aged 15–17.
37 For all transactions over DKK 50,000, the commission is 0.1% of the amount.
38 There is a currency exchange fee for all transactions not made in DKK
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Variable interest paid by borrower | 5,1-22% | 5,1-22% | 5,1-22% | 5,1-22% |
Total credit amount. | 10.000 - 150.000 kr. | 10.000 - 150.000 kr. | 10.000 - 150.000 kr. | 10.000 - 150.000 kr. |
LLoan period. | Up to 5 years | Up to 5 years | Up to 5 years | Up to 5 years |
Instalment form. | Annuity loans | Annuity loans | Annuity loans | Annuity loans |
39 0 kr. in fees and for registration. You pay interest only. There is a 14-day right of cancellation on credit agreements
40 Not available to customers aged 15–17.
41 As there are no additional costs, the interest to be paid by the borrower is the same as the APR.
Type | Light | Plus | Plus | Unlimited |
Variable interest paid by borrower | 22-22.2% | 22-22.2% | 22-22.2% | 22-22.2% |
Total credit amount. | Up to 10.000 kr. | Up to 10.000 kr. | Up to 10.000 kr. | Up to 10.000 kr. |
Loan period | 3, 6 eller 12 months | 3, 6 eller 12 months | 3, 6 eller 12 months | 3, 6 eller 12 months |
Instalment form. | Annuity loans | Annuity loans | Annuity loans | Annuity loans |
42 Payment is made every month
Type | Light | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. til 500.000 kr. | 0,75 % | 1,0 % | 1,50 % |
Interest savings is a binding three (3) year agreement.
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 1% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. til 500.000 kr. i 1 year | 1,0 % | 1,25 % | 1,75 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. til 500.000 kr. i 2 years | 1,25 % | 1,50 % | 2,00 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. til 500.000 kr. i 3 years | 1,50 % | 1,75 % | 2,25 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 2% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 1 year | 1,50 % | 2,25 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 2 years | 1,75 % | 2,50 % | 3,00 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 3 years | 2,00 % | 2,75 % | 3,25 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 2% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 1 year | 1,50 % | 2,25 % | 2,25 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 2 years | 1,75 % | 2,50 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 3 years | 2,00 % | 2,75 % | 2,75 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 1 year | 1,50 % | 2,00 % | 2,25 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 2 years | 1,75 % | 2,25 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 500.000 kr. in 3 years | 2,00 % | 2,50 % | 2,75 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 year | 1,50 % | 2,00 % | 2,25 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 2 years | 1,75 % | 2,25 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 2,00 % | 2,50 % | 2,75 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 years | 2,00 % | 2,00 % | 2,40 % | 2,40 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 2 years | 2,10 % | 2,10 % | 2,50 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 2,20 % | 2,20 % | 2,60 % | 2,60 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 6 months | 2, 30 % | 2,30 % | 2,50 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 years | 2, 40 % | 2,40 % | 2,60 % | 2,60 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 2, 50 % | 2,50 % | 2,70 % | 2,70 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 6 months | 2, 50 % | 2,50 % | 2,75 % | 2,75 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 years | 2, 70 % | 2,70 % | 2,90 % | 2,90 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 2, 80 % | 2,80 % | 3,00 % | 3,00 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 6 months | 2,50 % | 2,50 % | 2,75 % | 2,75 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 years | 2,25 % | 2,25 % | 2,50 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 2,00 % | 2,00 % | 2,25 % | 2,25 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 months | 2,00 % | 2,00 % | 2,25 % | 2,25 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 6 months | 2,50 % | 2,50 % | 2,75 % | 2,75 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 years | 2,25 % | 2,25 % | 2,50 % | 2,50 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 2,00 % | 2,00 % | 2,25 % | 2,25 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.
Type | Light | Standard | Plus | Unlimited |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 months | 2,00 % | 2,00 % | 2,25 % | 2,25 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 6 months | 1,75 % | 1,75 % | 2,00 % | 2,00 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 1 years | 1,50 % | 1.50 % | 1,75 % | 1,75 % |
Deposit rate 25.000 kr. to 1.000.000 kr. in 3 years | 1,50 % | 1.50 % | 1,75 % | 1,75 % |
You may terminate the agreement by giving at least thirty-one (31) days’ notice
A fee of 4% is payable for premature termination.