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Terms for Payment Services and Private Payment Accounts

Version 1.1 - Effective from 20th March 2023

1. Introduction

These terms apply between Lunar Bank A/S, CVR No. 39 69 76 96, Hack Kampmanns Plads 10, 8000 Aarhus C (referred to as "Lunar", "the bank", "we", or "us") and you as a customer of the bank.

These terms complement the separate account agreement and apply to payment accounts created for the purpose of executing payment transactions and for the associated payment services provided by Lunar, unless otherwise specifically stated.

Apart from cash deposits and withdrawals in the bank and transfers to your accounts, the use of payment services requires a separate agreement on the use of payment instruments, e.g., Visa Debit Terms of Use Private Customers.

2. Consent to the processing of personal data

At the time of entering into an agreement for establishing a payment account, you consent to the processing of your personal data in connection with the provision of this service. This includes using your personal data for the purposes of and in connection with the execution or correction of payment transactions. The personal data that can be processed may be civil registration number, address, and account number.

The data are stored for the current year, plus five years.

You can revoke your consent at any time, but please be aware that, if you do, you may not be able to use your account.

3. Act on Payments

The Swedish Payment Services Act applies to deposits into and withdrawals from payment accounts. Extracts from the act relating to liability and responsibility are attached, in Swedish.

The entire text of the act (in Swedish) is available on

4. Main characteristics of the payment service

Payment services are services that enable deposits into and withdrawals from a payment account, such as mobile banking and Visa debit cards.

Deposits into a payment account can be made in cash by you or others, by transfer from a Lunar account, or transfer from another financial institution.

Withdrawals from a payment account can be made in cash by you, by transfer to Lunar accounts, to accounts of other financial institutions and by means of payment instruments.

5. Information for executing a payment service

For withdrawals, you must provide the registration number and account number of the account from which the amount is to be withdrawn.

Also, for domestic transfers, you must provide the registration number and account number of the account to which the amount is to be transferred.

We consider a payment order executed in accordance with the unique identification code specified in the payment order to be successfully executed.

6. Form and procedure for consent to execute a payment transaction and withdrawal of consent

Y ou can, for example, submit payment orders in the following ways:

  • By personal request
  • Via the app
  • By sending a letter to us

A payment transaction is considered approved by you when it is submitted to Lunar directly via logged-in mode in the app, by personal or written request, or when initiated by or through a payee or payment initiation service provider.

A prerequisite for us to complete a payment order is that the amount is available in the account.

Once we have received a payment order, it cannot be revoked.

However, a payment order to be executed at a later date may be revoked at the latest at the end of the banking day before the agreed date.

If you wish to revoke a payment order, this can be achieved via your access to the app or by contacting us. We reserve the right to charge a fee for the revocation.

If a payment order is rejected due to factual errors, we will notify you of this, the reasons for the rejection, and the procedure to correct the error that has led to the rejection.

7. Description of the time a payment order has been received

A payment order is considered received on the banking day on which we receive the payment order approved by you. A payment order is considered to have been received on the following business day if the time of receipt is not a business day.

Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, Christmas Eve, New Year's Day, Constitution Day, and Friday after Ascension Day are not considered banking days.

Payment orders received near the end of a banking day or between two banking days are deemed to have been received on the following banking day and will not be processed until the next banking day. For more information on the deadline for receiving payment orders to be processed on the same banking day, please contact our support.

8 Maximum execution time

The execution time is the time it takes for the payment transaction to be credited to the recipient's account.

The execution time that Lunar applies varies depending on the type of payment transaction and the channel used. Unless otherwise specifically stated, the following applies:

Transfers in Swedish kronor within Lunar are carried out directly and will be received directly by the recipient.

Transfers in Swedish kronor to other banks in Sweden will be received by the recipient on the same business day, provided that the payment order has been received on a business day before 14.25. Transfers made thereafter will be received by the recipient no later than the business day after Lunar receives the payment order.

For payment orders received on paper, including payment slips, forms or electronic notification, the execution time may be up to two banking days.

The execution time specified in this paragraph may in some cases be affected if a payment order needs to be investigated in more detail by Lunar.

9. Information on payments

You can view in-app transaction information at any time. These are also sent to you via e-Boks or other digital channels once annually.

10. Prices

Our prices are specified in our separate price list. Also, we provide information about specific payments associated with a payment account to you through the app at any time.

If an amount is transferred to your account, we will be entitled to withdraw any payment associated with the transfer of the transferred amount before the amount is deposited into your account.

We reserve the right to charge a fee when notifying you of the reasons for a declined payment order.

We reserve the right to charge a fee for attempting to return funds where you have provided an incorrect account or identification code.

11. Exchange rates

Any currency conversion shall be made at the exchange rates set by Lunar for purchases and sales on the working day on which the deposit or withdrawal is made.

We may make changes to the set exchange rate without notice.

12. Languages and communication

Lunar enters into agreements and communicates in English unless otherwise specified in the individual agreement.

13. Checking transactions

You are obliged to check the transactions in your account on an ongoing basis. If, on checking, you discover transactions that do not match your receipts or you do not believe you have conducted, please contact Lunar as soon as possible.

Be aware that, in any event, your ability to object to unauthorised or faulty payment transactions will lapse thirteen months after the amount has been withdrawn from your account.

14. Notification

In the event of suspected or actual misuse or security threats, Lunar may notify you by telephone, through in-app notification, or other similarly secure procedure.

15. Blocking

Lunar is authorised to immediately block the use of a payment service or refrain from executing a payment transaction where:

  1. there is knowledge or suspicion of the unauthorised use of third parties;
  2. there is knowledge or suspicion of data on payment services or payment instruments having been compromised;
  3. a payment service, within a short period of time, is used in a manner that deviates from the normal;
  4. you or a person acting on your behalf must be presumed to lack the ability to act reasonably;
  5. the customer relationship or account to which the payment service is linked is terminated by you or us, or where circumstances allow the account to be terminated without notice;
  6. these terms are breached, including if the payment account to which the payment service is linked is overdrawn;
  7. there is a substantially increased risk that you will not be able to meet your payment obligation, regardless of whether a credit facility has been provided for the payment service;
  8. a payment instrument has been renewed, and the previous one must be blocked for security reasons;
  9. agreed amount thresholds are exceeded; or
  10. it is otherwise necessary for the security of the payment service or for any suspicion of unjustified use.

In case of an overdraft, if possible, you will receive a reminder before the payment service is blocked.

If we have to block the payment account immediately, you will be notified immediately after the blocking, stating the reason and time.

16. Unauthorised payment transactions

Liability and responsibility are distributed in accordance with Chapter 5a, Sections 1-7 of the Payment Services Act, which are enclosed.

17. Lunar responsibility for the execution of payment transactions

Lunar is liable for your direct losses for failure or inadequate execution of payments in accordance with these terms. However, this does not apply if Lunar can prove that the payee's financial institution has received the amount.

18. Repayment of payment transactions initiated by or through a payee

Liability and responsibility are distributed in accordance with Chapter 5, Sections 28-30 of the Payment Services Act, which are enclosed.

19. Entry into force and duration

These terms apply from the specified date until they are amended or terminated by Lunar.

20. Term and termination

The payment services and private payment account agreement is valid until either party gives notice of termination. You can terminate your payment services and private payment account agreements without prior notice. Lunar has the right to terminate your agreements with two months’ notice. A termination on our part must be objectively justified and will be notified in writing via email.

21. Complaints

If you wish to complain about Lunar, please contact us first.

If you still disagree with our handling of your inquiry or the result thereof, you can contact the complainant responsible at Lunar. Information about the complainant responsible is available on our website.

If the request does not lead to a satisfactory solution, you may choose to lodge your complaint with Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden, Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm,

Complaints concerning the financial institution's compliance with financial legislation may be lodged with the Danish FSA,

Complaints about the processing of personal data by the financial institution may be lodged with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection,

22. Provider of payment service

Lunar Bank A/S, Hack Kampmanns Plads 10, 8000 Aarhus, has a license as a financial institution and is subject to supervision by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority, The financial institution can be contacted at Hack Kampmanns Plads 10, 8000 Aarhus and via email at

23. Choice of law and jurisdiction

Legal disputes with you are settled under Swedish law and in a Swedish court.

24. Copy of these terms

You can obtain a copy of these terms at any time via the Lunar app or find them on our website.

25. General terms and conditions of business etc.

Otherwise, General terms and Conditions Private Customers and Lunar Terms of Use Private Customers apply.

26. Changes to Terms for Payment Services and Private Payment Accounts

These terms are subject to change with two months' notice if the change is to your detriment. You will receive a notification of changes either via the app, your specified email, or other digital channels. Other changes may occur without notice, and we will notify you accordingly.

An announced change to these terms is deemed to be approved unless you have notified Lunar before the date of entry into force that you do not wish to be bound by the new terms. In such case, payment service agreements shall end at the time of commencement of the amended terms.


Payment Services Act (Sw: Lag (2010:751) om betaltjänster)

Återbetalning av betalningstransaktioner som initierats av eller via en betalningsmottagare, 5 kap. 28-30 §§

28 §

En betalare har rätt till återbetalning från sin betaltjänstleverantör om betalningstransaktionen initierats av eller via betalningsmottagaren, och

  1. betalningstransaktionens exakta belopp inte angavs i samband med att den godkändes, och
  2. betalningstransaktionens belopp överstiger det belopp som betalaren rimligen kunde ha förväntat sig med hänsyn till sitt tidigare utgiftsmönster, villkoren i ramavtalet och andra relevanta omständigheter.

På begäran av betaltjänstleverantören ska betalaren informera leverantören om sådana omständigheter som avses i första stycket 2. Återbetalningen ska uppgå till hela beloppet av den genomförda transaktionen. Valuteringsdagen för kreditering av betalarens betalkonto ska bestämmas till senast den dag då beloppet debiterades kontot.

Om betalaren och betaltjänstleverantören har avtalat om att en referensväxelkurs ska tillämpas på betalningstransaktionen, och den avtalade referensväxelkursen har använts, får betalaren inte hävda att förutsättningarna i första stycket 2 är uppfyllda på grund av den växelkurs som tillämpats.

De villkor för återbetalning som anges i första stycket 1 och 2 gäller inte för autogireringar som omfattas av Europaparlamentets och rådets förordning (EU) nr 260/2012 av den 14 mars 2012 om antagande av tekniska och affärsmässiga krav för betalningar och autogireringar i euro och om ändring av förordning (EG) nr 924/2009.

29 §

En betalare och en betaltjänstleverantör får i ett ramavtal komma överens om att betalaren inte har rätt till återbetalning när denne har gett sitt godkännande, direkt till leverantören, till att en betalningstransaktion genomförs och antingen leverantören eller betalningsmottagaren lämnade information om den kommande transaktionen eller gjorde sådan information tillgänglig för betalaren minst fyra veckor före den sista betalningsdagen.

30 §

En betaltjänstleverantör är inte skyldig att återbetala beloppet till betalaren om betalaren inte begärde återbetalning inom åtta veckor från det att medlen debiterades kontot.

Inom tio bankdagar från mottagandet av begäran om återbetalning ska betaltjänstleverantören antingen återbetala det belopp som transaktionen avser eller ange skälen för att återbetalning vägras med uppgift om vart betalaren kan vända sig för att få ärendet prövat.

Obehöriga transaktioner, 5 a kap. 1-7 §§

Betaltjänstleverantörens skyldighet att återställa kontot

1 §

Har det genomförts en obehörig transaktion från en kontohavares konto, ska kontohavarens betaltjänstleverantör återställa kontot till den ställning som det skulle ha haft om transaktionen inte hade genomförts, om inte annat följer av 2-6§§. Återställandet ska ske omedelbart och senast i slutet av den bankdag som inträffar efter det att betaltjänstleverantören har fått kännedom om transaktionen. Om det finns anledning att misstänka att transaktionen är behörig, har betaltjänstleverantören dock rätt till en skälig tid för att undersöka saken. Valuteringsdagen ska bestämmas till senast den dag då beloppet debiterades.

Om kontot inte återställs omedelbart eller senast i slutet av den bankdag som inträffar efter det att betaltjänstleverantören har fått kännedom om transaktionen, ska leverantören skriftligen underrätta Finansinspektionen om anledningen.

Den kontoförvaltande betaltjänstleverantören ska återställa kontot, även om den obehöriga transaktionen har initierats av en leverantör av betalningsinitieringstjänster.

Kontohavarens ansvar

2 §

Om obehöriga transaktioner från en kontohavares konto har kunnat genomföras till följd av att kontohavaren inte har skyddat sin personliga behörighetsfunktion, ansvarar kontohavaren för beloppet, dock högst 400 kronor.

3 §

Om obehöriga transaktioner från en kontohavares konto har kunnat genomföras till följd av att en skyldighet enligt 5 kap. 6 § åsidosatts genom grov oaktsamhet, ansvarar kontohavaren för hela beloppet.

Är kontohavaren konsument, är ansvaret enligt första stycket begränsat till högst 12 000 kronor. Har kontohavaren handlat särskilt klandervärt, ansvarar han eller hon dock för hela beloppet.

4 §

Oavsett vad som anges i 2 och 3 §§, ansvarar kontohavaren inte för något belopp som har belastat kontot efter det att kontohavaren har anmält till betaltjänstleverantören att betalningsinstrumentet ska spärras. Detta gäller dock inte om kontohavaren genom svikligt förfarande har orsakat eller bidragit till de obehöriga transaktionerna När stark kundautentiering inte har använts

5 §

Om stark kundautentisering inte har använts vid en sådan betalningstransaktion som avses i 5 b kap. 4 § första stycket 2, ansvarar kontohavarens betaltjänstleverantör för hela beloppet för de obehöriga transaktionerna, oavsett vad som anges i 2 och 3 §§. Detta gäller dock inte om kontohavaren genom svikligt förfarande har orsakat eller bidragit till de obehöriga transaktionerna.

Om betalningsmottagaren eller dennes betaltjänstleverantör inte har krävt stark kundautentisering, ska den part som inte krävt detta ersätta betalarens betaltjänstleverantör för de förluster som uppkommit hos leverantören enligt första stycket.

Kontohavarens ansvar att underrätta betaltjänstleverantören

6 §

Om kontohavaren inte underrättar betaltjänstleverantören så snart det kan ske efter att ha fått vetskap om de obehöriga transaktionerna, ansvarar kontohavaren för hela beloppet. Detsamma gäller om betaltjänstleverantören har lämnat information om transaktionerna till kontohavaren och denne inte underrättar leverantören inom tretton månader från det att beloppen belastade kontot.

Underrättelse enligt första stycket ska göras till den kontoförvaltande betaltjänstleverantören, även om den obehöriga transaktionen har initierats av en leverantör av betalningsinitieringstjänster.

Kontohavarens ansvar för någon annans handlande

7 §

Om även någon annan än kontohavaren är behörig enligt kontoavtalet att använda ett betalningsinstrument, ska, vid bedömningen enligt 1-6 §§ av om kontohavaren ansvarar för något belopp, den andra personens handlande räknas som om kontohavaren själv hade handlat.

Lunar Bank A/S, Hack Kampmanns Plads 10 DK-8000 Aarhus C, CVR nr. 39697696